
Calling all volunteers! We need volunteers for the Don Doan Dash. If you are a Grade 9 – 12 student and need volunteer hours, please contact us. We will sign-off on your volunteer hours. Here are a few areas that you can help; Start / Finish Line Water Stations Food Stations Photography Registration Table Set-up / Tear Down Cheering Crew Please reach out to us at: volunteers@bramptonbenders.com Read more

Don Doan Dash Sponsor – Bond Tech Industries

Thanks to Bond Tech Industries for sponsoring the Don Doan Dash. Bond Tech is located in Brampton and has been in business since 1998. They offer adhesives for a variety of uses.   Quality products for any application: Water Based Adhesives Dry Blend Adhesives Hotmelt Adhesives   Services to help you succeed: Custom Formulations Toll Produce Adhesive Audits   Visit their website to learn more about their services: https://www.bond-tech-industries.com/ Read more

Don Doan Dash Sponsors

The Brampton Benders would like to thank the following companies for sponsoring the Don Doan Dash. 

You can find Oscar’s at: 1785 Queen St E, Brampton, ON L6T 4S3






Peelle is known for premium quality design and manufacturing of specialist lift and elevator entrance doors. 



You can find Tonino’s at: 10088 McLaughlin Road, Brampton, ON, L7A 2X6



Please show your support for these companies. 

Don Doan Dash – Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to help with the Don Doan Dash race on September 11th! We have various opportunities available; Start / Finish Line Water Stations Food Stations Photography Registration Table Set-up / Tear Down Cheering Crew   If you are a Grade 9 – 12 student or are a parent of a student and need volunteer hours, please feel to help in one of the above positions. We will sign-off on your volunteer hours. Please fill out the form; https://www.bramptonbenders.com/…/R4HStudentform2022.pdf and email it to Run_with_Us@bramptonbenders.com. If you are? Read more

A Letter of Thanks – from Don Doan

Sharing a fantastic letter from Don Doan about the Don Doan Dash. Email from Don Doan – Sept 11, 2017 To our Bender Family,   I fully understand the planning, co-ordination, co-operation, teamwork, sacrifice, time, blood, sweat and tears that it takes to plan and execute a first class event…so I know I am qualified to praise everybody involved…   Race Director Samantha; the organizing committee comprised of Jim, Jackie, Denis, Rob, Grace, Mike, Ivar, Maria and Paul; and the large contingent of volunteers…   WOW! What an incredible job by? Read more