History of the Club

In 2008 Ivar and Mike were leading the half marathon clinic through the Running Room.  The next race they were training for was the Around the Bay Road Race in Hamilton in March 2009.

The group started to refer to The Around the Bay race as the Around the Bend race.  Soon after they were referring to themselves as the Benders.  Coming up with the Brampton Benders as a name for their group.

It was the fall of 2010 when 21 of them unanimously voted to officially form the Brampton Benders running club.  An official club with a constitution, a set of by-laws and executive members.  Since then we have more than tripled in size and continue to grow.

It is not uncommon to end a long run with a tailgate afterward.  What a better way to end your run than with food and drinks with friends?  We are a social bunch and besides running events we also organize fun nights, ski trips, golf games, bowling.  All sorts of things.

A lot of great friends have been made within the Brampton Benders running club and we look forward to making many more.

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