This Week – Oct. 9th

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend. For Mid October, the weather was fine. Now its time to lose those extra pounds from the weekends meals. Fun fact. 1 slice of Pumpkin Pie – 350 calories The average runner burns 100 calories per kilometer.   First of the big fall races were this weekend. Congratulations to our Chicago Marathoners – Grace, Firmo, and Rob…his first Congratulations also to Michelle on her half in Boston. And congratulations to any other racers this weekend that I missed. To everyone else, training? Read more

Busy Race Weekend – WSER100, IRONMAN and BAA10

It was a busy race weekend with Benders racing all over the North America. California, Boston, Quebec and Toronto. This weekend saw Steve along with Carol and Randall out in sunshine filled California. Lake Tahoe specifically where The Western States Endurance Run was taking place. The Western States Endurance Run is the granddaddy of the all ultra-marathon races. First 100 Miler in North America. Find more info here . Steve who has been working tirelessly to qualify (multiple 100 mile qualifying races) and with the hope of being selected for this? Read more

Race Season is Upon Us

We have finally got some good weather?and?today was a beauty. ?It is about time! It seemed the winter would never end but alas it is only April so we know it will get colder before it gets hotter. ?That is ok though because that fresh spring weather is perfect for running. ?That fresh spring weather is what we hope for for all our Bender runners participating in one of several races coming up. First up we have 2 races tomorrow. ?We have the Toronto Yonge St. 10K. A fast downhill? Read more

Peel Runners Reflect on the Boston Marathon

Sharing a link to last Thursday’s article in the Brampton Guardian which features a quote from our very own Ivar.

“You see it in the news and you hear it on the radio, but I’m not listening to that,” said Gaizauskas, who had already received his medal for finishing last year when the bombings occurred.

“To me, (the attack) was an aberration ? something went wrong. It’s not like now, all of a sudden, we have to worry about all these terrorists at every race,” he said. “It’s (going to be) my fifth time. It’s a great run with all the crowds and everything.”



Remembering Boston

It is with a heavy heart that we remember the tragedy that occurred at the Boston Marathon just one short year ago. ?I realize the dates were different but the event remains the same. ?We were all shocked and saddened to hear of the bombings and how many lives were forever changed, especially for those that lost their lives – Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu and Sean Collier. ?Dear World has made a nice tribute to some of the survivors and remembers those that passed. ?Check it out here. It is quite moving.

On a positive note, we do have some of our members returning this year to participate in the Boston Marathon and we would like to wish a great race to Ivar, Elaine and Steve.