Brampton Benders present the ALS cheque

The Brampton Benders present a cheque to ALS Canada from the proceeds of the Don Doan Dash: Read more
The Brampton Benders present a cheque to ALS Canada from the proceeds of the Don Doan Dash: Read more
Want to win a free entry to The Don Doan Dash – 5K? How do I win? Easy just help us spread the word. Earn ballots by sharing through social media outlets. How do I do that? So many ways to earn ballots Instagram +1 Ballot – Like the post and comment tagging 2 friends +1 Ballot – Repost the contest post. Be sure to tag @dondoandash in the repost +1 Ballot – Follow @DonDoanDash Twitter +1 Ballot – Like the post and retweet contest ? Read more
Tomorrow is the Chilly Half and the Frosty 5K. This is a great race out of Burlington that happens at the beginning of March and a lot of runners use this as a pre-race run to Around the Bay. The Benders usually have a great presence at both of these great races and tomorrow’s Chilly is no exception.? I don’t know the exact number (last minute changes and such) but I believe we have something like 29 members participating.? What a great turn out!? The weather is calling for somewhat? Read more
Well hello and welcome to our new site! We have spruced things up a bit around here.? Scroll through our various menu options.? Read how the Benders running club was formed.? Browse through our gallery and click on the link for more pictures.? Check out our calendar and if you don’t see a race there you can click on one of the various links to popular race calendars.? The news section will be filled with club news in a blog style.? This can include race recaps (and as you can? Read more