This Week – Dec. 11th

Great Bender Christmas get together last Friday. Good people, good food, good time had. Nice to see so many Benders! Feel free to send your pictures to Mike B and we’ll share them on the website. Thanks to Michelle B for organizing. Sunday saw many Benders up in Terra Cotta for the Egg Nog Jog, many Benders running and cheering (Thanks for the bell ringing Karyn and Grace – near the end when we were getting exhausted). That warm tent and soup at the end were much appreciated. Be sure? Read more

This Week – Dec. 4th

Welcome to the second week of December. The weather is still holding out favourably. Well done to all the runners this past weekend. Samantha in Cayman Islands Marathon,  Jackie, Belinda, Yasmin and Marcia who rocked the Reggae Marathon in Jamaica. We are waiting to hear your stories. Also congrats to all who participated in the Tannenbaum 10K This Friday, don’t forget our Bender Christmas party at J Red Co at 6:30pm. If you haven’t already, please let Michelle know if you are coming. It’s looking like a great turnout. For? Read more

This Week – Nov. 20

Hope everyone’s weekend went well. Sunday morning we had a great turnout at Terra Cotta, cold, but the weather co-operated. No rain!! Sunny (sunglass conditions), counted 16 Benders. We missed a few from last week….the Laura’s, Gina, Ben, David, Annette….Where were you all? A great tailgate afterwards, thank you for the Grand Marnier Firmo! And thank you all for all the treats. Come on out if you can next sunday. Dont forget our Bender Christmas party Friday night. Dec 8 at J Red and Co.. more details to come from? Read more