Run Disney

The Benders have invaded Florida! ?A bunch of the group went down to participate in the Run Disney marathon weekend.

benders in florida

There are many options to this sold out event. ?There are your standard kids races, 5K, 10K, half marathon and full marathon and then there are the challenges. The Goofy Challenge which is the half marathon on the Saturday followed by the full marathon on the Sunday and the Dopey Challenge which begins on Thursday and has people running all the distances, 5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, half marathon on Saturday and a full on Sunday to finish it off. ?I am tired just writing all of that out.

We have 13 members all doing the challenges and we want to wish them all a fantastic race, or 4 races. ?Good luck to you all and have fun!


Better Late Than Never

With December comes the holiday season and everyone gets in to hyper busy mode, myself included. ?In the midst of the beginning of holiday season I forgot to post a shout out to a few of our Benders racing. Congrats to Beth and Elaine for running the Space Coast Marathon in Florida on the 30th of Nov. ?Elaine came in first in her age group in this race. Way to go ladies. We also have Karen down in beautiful Jamaica for the Reggae Marathon this past weekend. ?Congrats Karen. Coming? Read more