This Week – Nov. 6th

Congratulations to the Hamilton and New York Runners! Hope you ran well in New York Shana, looking forward to your stories. And Hamilton…..brutal! Pouring and driving rain at the start, and what about that hard 20 km wind! It sure wore you down, but we finished. Now a brief lull between the big races. We have the Egg Nog Jog coming up Dec 10. Guess what, it’s SOLD OUT. We do have 18 Benders registered. Way to go! We can all still enjoy the event, either as Runners or Cheering? Read more

This Week – Oct. 9th

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend. For Mid October, the weather was fine. Now its time to lose those extra pounds from the weekends meals. Fun fact. 1 slice of Pumpkin Pie – 350 calories The average runner burns 100 calories per kilometer.   First of the big fall races were this weekend. Congratulations to our Chicago Marathoners – Grace, Firmo, and Rob…his first Congratulations also to Michelle on her half in Boston. And congratulations to any other racers this weekend that I missed. To everyone else, training? Read more

This Week – Sept. 25

Congratulations to all the Benders who ran Oakville Half Marathon. Heard it was hot and tough….well done! We had a great Wine Run Sunday morning, the run part was very difficult, running through the mid-day heat, but the before and after race partying was fantastic. Thanks to Firmo and Teresa for hosting (and for keeping the pool open.) and to Michelle for organizing the event! 22 Benders participated, despite the hot conditions. This week: Tuesday –  6:45 – Tim Hortons (Shoppers World) – 6 or 7 k run Wednesday –? Read more

Neon Nights and Blue Mountains

The traveling party known as The Brampton Benders hit the Night Nation Run at Woodbine racetrack on Saturday night to throw down a quick 5k before partying it up. Unfortunately from the reports of those who participated the crowd was more interested in partying and less so in the running portion. Overpriced beers and an abundance of weed in the air was a turnoff for the group. Looks like this event is going to be placed firmly in the “one and done” category.  Sunday saw a pair of Benders at? Read more

Chilly Half Marathon and Frosty 5K

Tomorrow is the Chilly Half and the Frosty 5K. This is a great race out of Burlington that happens at the beginning of March and a lot of runners use this as a pre-race run to Around the Bay. The Benders usually have a great presence at both of these great races and tomorrow’s Chilly is no exception.? I don’t know the exact number (last minute changes and such) but I believe we have something like 29 members participating.? What a great turn out!? The weather is calling for somewhat? Read more

Run Disney

The Benders have invaded Florida! ?A bunch of the group went down to participate in the Run Disney marathon weekend.

benders in florida

There are many options to this sold out event. ?There are your standard kids races, 5K, 10K, half marathon and full marathon and then there are the challenges. The Goofy Challenge which is the half marathon on the Saturday followed by the full marathon on the Sunday and the Dopey Challenge which begins on Thursday and has people running all the distances, 5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, half marathon on Saturday and a full on Sunday to finish it off. ?I am tired just writing all of that out.

We have 13 members all doing the challenges and we want to wish them all a fantastic race, or 4 races. ?Good luck to you all and have fun!


Better Late Than Never

With December comes the holiday season and everyone gets in to hyper busy mode, myself included. ?In the midst of the beginning of holiday season I forgot to post a shout out to a few of our Benders racing. Congrats to Beth and Elaine for running the Space Coast Marathon in Florida on the 30th of Nov. ?Elaine came in first in her age group in this race. Way to go ladies. We also have Karen down in beautiful Jamaica for the Reggae Marathon this past weekend. ?Congrats Karen. Coming? Read more

Big race this weekend

Sunday is the Hamilton Road 2 Hope Marathon. This race is pretty much the last race of the season for many people. ?We have a large number of Benders out running this race and we want to wish them all a great race. ? Tony, Firmo, Teresa, Donna, Michelle, Ivar, Jackie, Mike B, Samantha, Tanisha, Michelle, Carlo, Manuel, Maria S., Denis and Jay (sorry if anyone was missed). ?This race is Boston’s fastest qualifier and we are sure to have some Benders qualify on Sunday! Good luck everyone! Read more

Another Weekend, Another Race

We would like to wish all our Benders out in Niagara Falls this weekend a great race on Sunday. ?Some doing the full marathon (number 3 of 4 in a month) and some doing the half. ?This is a nice race weekend out in Niagara Falls and a nice course too. ?It is pretty cool to start the marathon in the US and cross into Canada. ?Weather looks like it will be great for racing too, best of luck everyone! Read more