This Week – Nov. 13

Great conditions at Terra Cotta doing the Egg Nog Jog course. A good turnout – 20 Benders. We enjoyed the 10.8K Egg Nog Jog route and the tail gate and treats afterwards. We’re going to do this run again soon, in preparation for the Race in December. In Vegas, hope to hear soon about Jackie, Yasmin and Belinda’s trip from the Instagram posts it looks like it was a blast.  Tom has found a 5 k race you may be interested in: Tom saw it at the gym he? Read more

Busy Race Weekend – WSER100, IRONMAN and BAA10

It was a busy race weekend with Benders racing all over the North America. California, Boston, Quebec and Toronto. This weekend saw Steve along with Carol and Randall out in sunshine filled California. Lake Tahoe specifically where The Western States Endurance Run was taking place. The Western States Endurance Run is the granddaddy of the all ultra-marathon races. First 100 Miler in North America. Find more info here . Steve who has been working tirelessly to qualify (multiple 100 mile qualifying races) and with the hope of being selected for this? Read more