2 big races in the GTA

Tomorrow is a big race day in the GTA. ?We have the Goodlife Fitness Toronto Marathon??in Toronto and the Mississauga Marathon in Mississauga. ?Why these two races are on the same day and in such close proximity, I have no idea. ?Every year we have our group picking which of these 2 races they will be doing. ?This year is no exception and we have Bender representation at both races. ?So good luck to all our Bender friends running these races. ?The weather looks like it will be another beauty? Read more

Another big race weekend

So happy that racing season is upon us. ?We have a pretty big race weekend here in the GTA with the Toronto Goodlife Marathon and the Mississauga Marathon both happening Sunday May 4th. ?With that another large group of Benders will be participating in races this weekend. We have Elaine doing the BMO Vancouver Marathon. We have Michelle B, Beth, Dwayne and Sabrina doing the Toronto Goodlife Marathon. We have Samantha, Ivar, Mike T, Marie-Claire, Brian, Steve, Todd, Hank, Firmo, Mike B, Karyn, Marie S, and Manuel (although due to? Read more