2 Weeks to go – Run4Hope Recap

First, let me welcome our 2 newest Benders….Jim W. and Gina B. Congratulations to everyone who ran this weekend. Whether it was your long slow run or if you raced at the Run 4 Hope at Professor’s lake on Sunday. We had a record number of Benders on the Podium for the 5 and 10 km races for their age groups: Way to go…Sue, Jacki, Carlo – First place! Way to go…Anupam, Alan Beasley, – Second Way to go…Teresa, Denis, Derek, Laura C. – Third   What a great accomplishment,? Read more

Race Season is Upon Us

We have finally got some good weather?and?today was a beauty. ?It is about time! It seemed the winter would never end but alas it is only April so we know it will get colder before it gets hotter. ?That is ok though because that fresh spring weather is perfect for running. ?That fresh spring weather is what we hope for for all our Bender runners participating in one of several races coming up. First up we have 2 races tomorrow. ?We have the Toronto Yonge St. 10K. A fast downhill? Read more

Chilly Half Marathon and Frosty 5K

Tomorrow is the Chilly Half and the Frosty 5K. This is a great race out of Burlington that happens at the beginning of March and a lot of runners use this as a pre-race run to Around the Bay. The Benders usually have a great presence at both of these great races and tomorrow’s Chilly is no exception.? I don’t know the exact number (last minute changes and such) but I believe we have something like 29 members participating.? What a great turn out!? The weather is calling for somewhat? Read more

A break for Around the Bay

This year runners will have a break from the giant hill at the end of the Around the Bay Race. ?This race is pretty much known for that hill but unfortunately (or fortunately) construction in the area will not be done in time for the race. ?Runners will take an alternative route running back in to Hamilton via Plains Rd. ?Don’t worry though runner friends, there are still the rolling hills of North Shore. ?See the article here.


Better Late Than Never

With December comes the holiday season and everyone gets in to hyper busy mode, myself included. ?In the midst of the beginning of holiday season I forgot to post a shout out to a few of our Benders racing. Congrats to Beth and Elaine for running the Space Coast Marathon in Florida on the 30th of Nov. ?Elaine came in first in her age group in this race. Way to go ladies. We also have Karen down in beautiful Jamaica for the Reggae Marathon this past weekend. ?Congrats Karen. Coming? Read more

Big race this weekend

Sunday is the Hamilton Road 2 Hope Marathon. This race is pretty much the last race of the season for many people. ?We have a large number of Benders out running this race and we want to wish them all a great race. ? Tony, Firmo, Teresa, Donna, Michelle, Ivar, Jackie, Mike B, Samantha, Tanisha, Michelle, Carlo, Manuel, Maria S., Denis and Jay (sorry if anyone was missed). ?This race is Boston’s fastest qualifier and we are sure to have some Benders qualify on Sunday! Good luck everyone! Read more

Another Weekend, Another Race

We would like to wish all our Benders out in Niagara Falls this weekend a great race on Sunday. ?Some doing the full marathon (number 3 of 4 in a month) and some doing the half. ?This is a nice race weekend out in Niagara Falls and a nice course too. ?It is pretty cool to start the marathon in the US and cross into Canada. ?Weather looks like it will be great for racing too, best of luck everyone! Read more


Tomorrow is the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. ?Our own club was featured as a member of the STWM Tribes program and now race day is here. ?For some it is their first full marathon, for others it is another marathon/half in the books. ?Either way we would like to wish all our Benders participating in this event a great race. ?The weather looks to be promising!! Read more

Montreal and Berlin

It is a busy weekend for races this weekend. ?A group of Benders will be heading over to Quebec to participate in the Rock n Roll marathon in Montreal and Firmo and Samantha have headed over to Germany to participate in the Berlin marathon. These 2 races both sound like they?would be very exciting races to be a part of and we can’t wait for them to come back and tell us all about it. Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. Read more