Top Ten Ways You Can Help Don Doan Dash 5k
1. Register – The easiest thing you can you do is register for the race. Click here...and you’re done. That was easy! Thanks for helping us make this a success.
2. Register a friend – Ever run a race by yourself…nope didn’t think so. Why start now. Get your friends to register for the race. It’s going to be a fun time. It’s also going to make it less awkward when you show up wearing your sweet technical race shirt and finishers medal and they don’t have one.
3. Share – Help spread the word. Social media has far reaching affects and I’m not just talking about sharing pictures of cats. There’s so many platforms and all of them all full of people that love to run and haven’t heard of our race. There’s an event poster available for sharing. Know a bulletin board that would love to find out about the race (sports stores, rec centers, coffee shops, schools, libraries). Just remember to please ask before posting. Follow race related sites – Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
4. Facebook – Have you liked the Don Doan Dash page? Have you selected “yes” that you’re attending the race on Sept. 10th. No? Why not? I know you’re on Facebook. Two billion people on Facebook and only 39 likes for the race page. Let’s close that gap. Like the page, like the posts, share the posts, invite your friends.
5. Wear your Bender gear – Wear your Bender gear to races and out on training runs. Don’t be shy when someone asks you, “What’s a Bender?” and don’t forget to tell them about the Don Doan Dash. Don’t forget to tell them to “come run with us”.
6. #Hashtags – Hashtag your social media posts. Training runs, races, social gatherings. We’ve got #bendersrc #dddash and #dddash4ALS. These hashtags go a long way to help build the buzz and sense of community as everyone gets ready for the race.7. Check the website – has risen from the ashes. Weekly updates concerning all things Benders are going up. Be sure to check out what’s going on with the club. Want to contribute or have something special to share? Reach out and let us know.
8. Instagram – You’re out there taking selfies, I’ve seen you. Follow @dondoandash on instagram and use the #hashtags to create the buzz! We’ll follow you back! Showcase our area and why running with us is so much fun.
9. Volunteer – Want to do more than just run the race? Volunteer! We’ll take all the help we can get. Help us give back to the community that’s given so much. Volunteer page with details will be coming soon to the race page.
10. Go for a Run – Most importantly, don’t forget to run! I mean there’s a race coming up, it would be awfully embarrassing to show up not having trained.