The traveling party known as The Brampton Benders hit the Night Nation Run at Woodbine racetrack on Saturday night to throw down a quick 5k before partying it up. Unfortunately from the reports of those who participated the crowd was more interested in partying and less so in the running portion. Overpriced beers and an abundance of weed in the air was a turnoff for the group. Looks like this event is going to be placed firmly in the “one and done” category.
Sunday saw a pair of Benders at Blue Mountain in Collingwood to take part of in the North Face Endurance Challenge. Anupam arrived early and volunteered Saturday and saw first hand some ultra marathoners completing the 50K and 50Mile distances. On Sunday the longest distance was the half marathon. This event in the past few years has seen some hot days, with aid stations 7K apart it makes for a tough race. There’s also the part where you run up and down Blue Mountain several times over the course of 21K. Weather was slightly more forgiving this year as it wasn’t scorching hot. It did however make up for this with a particularly soggy and muddy course due to high amount of rain seen earlier in the week. Both racers had a great time and will definitely be back next year.