Some of the Bender’s did the Egg Nog Jog on Sunday at Albion Hills.
Category: Race Recap
Egg Nog Jog – Recap

Weather definitely got the memo for this year’s Egg Nog Jog. As if on cue there was a dusting of snow that set the mood for the 10.8K loop around the Terra Cotta Conservation Area. Celebrating it’s 35th year with a sold out race, 18 Benders towed the starting line. Cheered on by those who either waited too long to sign up or were nursing an injury. Participants scored a fantastic medal and personalized bath towel as well as enjoyed a great post race celebration. Be sure to sign up? Read more
A Letter of Thanks – from Don Doan

Sharing a fantastic letter from Don Doan about the Don Doan Dash. Email from Don Doan – Sept 11, 2017 To our Bender Family, I fully understand the planning, co-ordination, co-operation, teamwork, sacrifice, time, blood, sweat and tears that it takes to plan and execute a first class event…so I know I am qualified to praise everybody involved… Race Director Samantha; the organizing committee comprised of Jim, Jackie, Denis, Rob, Grace, Mike, Ivar, Maria and Paul; and the large contingent of volunteers… WOW! What an incredible job by? Read more
Tough Benders

Eight courageous Benders dressed in black… Seven courageous Benders dressed in black and one navy blue arrived at Mount Saint Louis Moonstone to face Tough Mudder 2017. There was a mixture of experienced obstacle course racers in the group. Many having done the always popular Mud Hero. Others had Warrior Dash on their resume as well as couple Spartans mixed in. Surprisingly though no one in the group had done the Tough Mudder. After passing the multi-tiered registration process which moved surprisingly quick the group found their way to the? Read more
Neon Nights and Blue Mountains

The traveling party known as The Brampton Benders hit the Night Nation Run at Woodbine racetrack on Saturday night to throw down a quick 5k before partying it up. Unfortunately from the reports of those who participated the crowd was more interested in partying and less so in the running portion. Overpriced beers and an abundance of weed in the air was a turnoff for the group. Looks like this event is going to be placed firmly in the “one and done” category. Sunday saw a pair of Benders at? Read more
Western States Endurance Run – One Week Later

Last week we did a brief recap of Steve’s attempt at the Western States Endurance Run (see here). Below we get the tale straight from the source: In case you didn’t already know I DNF’d at Western States. I knew it would be a big challenge and it was. Us back-of-the-packers have little room for error on this thing. It got more challenging the day before when they said the hell with the snow we are not going to use the snow route to get around it. This meant? Read more
Busy Race Weekend – WSER100, IRONMAN and BAA10

It was a busy race weekend with Benders racing all over the North America. California, Boston, Quebec and Toronto. This weekend saw Steve along with Carol and Randall out in sunshine filled California. Lake Tahoe specifically where The Western States Endurance Run was taking place. The Western States Endurance Run is the granddaddy of the all ultra-marathon races. First 100 Miler in North America. Find more info here . Steve who has been working tirelessly to qualify (multiple 100 mile qualifying races) and with the hope of being selected for this? Read more
ALS Walk and Niagara Ultra

Depending on who you talked to the weather cooperated…well, sort of. Whether it was running 50K in Niagara or a 5K walk in Brampton your perspective might be slightly different. There was no rain but it was hot and humid. No complaints, just stating facts. For the second year in a row The Brampton Benders were out to support our dear friend Don Doan as part of his Doaner’s Groaners as they participated in Brampton’s ALS Walk on Saturday at Chinguacousy Park. A great deal of funds, over $25,000 was? Read more
Sulphur Springs – Race Recap

Brampton Benders took to the trails this past Saturday to participate in the 25th running of the Sulphur Springs Trail Race. The race offered a few special distances this year to celebrate their 25th Anniversary. Notably the 200Mile and 100K distances were added the standard distances of 10K, 25K, 50K, 50Mile, 100Mile and 100Mile Relay. A team of eight was assembled to complete the 100Mile Relay. Starting at 6am the team had 30 hours to complete 8 laps (1 lap per runner) of 20K for a total of 160K (100Miles)? Read more