CIBC Run for the Cure – Sunday Oct 3

Reminder – CIBC Run for the Cure is this Sunday.   This year we will be meeting in Inglewood at 10 am to run the Caledon Trailway. Don’t forget to wear some pink!   We can run, or walk, or bike, and do 5 k or 10k or any other distance you like.   A tailgate will follow the run.   Parking: 15549 McLaughlin Rd, Inglewood, ON L7C 1J5   You can sign-up or donate here Read more

Run For the Cure – 2017

Run For The Cure was this past Sunday, a nation wide event with 56 cities participating raising funds and awareness for breast cancer. Since being diagnosed and overcoming breast cancer in 2009 / 2010 Michelle has participated in the Run For The Cure every year being joined with an ever increasing group of fellow Benders. Is it because this a fantastic event that’s hard to say no to or is it getting “pinked up” head-to-toe and running a 5k like a travelling street party? It’s hard to say. One thing? Read more