This Week – Nov. 13

Great conditions at Terra Cotta doing the Egg Nog Jog course. A good turnout – 20 Benders. We enjoyed the 10.8K Egg Nog Jog route and the tail gate and treats afterwards. We’re going to do this run again soon, in preparation for the Race in December. In Vegas, hope to hear soon about Jackie, Yasmin and Belinda’s trip from the Instagram posts it looks like it was a blast.  Tom has found a 5 k race you may be interested in: Tom saw it at the gym he? Read more

Run For the Cure – 2017

Run For The Cure was this past Sunday, a nation wide event with 56 cities participating raising funds and awareness for breast cancer. Since being diagnosed and overcoming breast cancer in 2009 / 2010 Michelle has participated in the Run For The Cure every year being joined with an ever increasing group of fellow Benders. Is it because this a fantastic event that’s hard to say no to or is it getting “pinked up” head-to-toe and running a 5k like a travelling street party? It’s hard to say. One thing? Read more

Promoting Don Doan Dash 5k

The Brampton Bender promotional machine is up running. This past Wednesday saw Rob and Grace at Square One Running Room and Ivar & Sam at the Winston Churchill store. Spreading the word on the Don Doan Dash. Benders will be visiting neighboring Running Room in the coming weeks to let everyone know about the awesome race we?ve planned and hoping everyone will come out and make it a real special event. Want to help out promoting this event?  Run with another group or store? (Running Free, MEC or different Running? Read more

2 Weeks to go – Run4Hope Recap

First, let me welcome our 2 newest Benders….Jim W. and Gina B. Congratulations to everyone who ran this weekend. Whether it was your long slow run or if you raced at the Run 4 Hope at Professor’s lake on Sunday. We had a record number of Benders on the Podium for the 5 and 10 km races for their age groups: Way to go…Sue, Jacki, Carlo – First place! Way to go…Anupam, Alan Beasley, – Second Way to go…Teresa, Denis, Derek, Laura C. – Third   What a great accomplishment,? Read more