Run For the Cure – 2017

Run For The Cure was this past Sunday, a nation wide event with 56 cities participating raising funds and awareness for breast cancer. Since being diagnosed and overcoming breast cancer in 2009 / 2010 Michelle has participated in the Run For The Cure every year being joined with an ever increasing group of fellow Benders. Is it because this a fantastic event that’s hard to say no to or is it getting “pinked up” head-to-toe and running a 5k like a travelling street party? It’s hard to say. One thing? Read more

Tour de Grand and Ride to Conquer Cancer

Whether its recovering from an injury, training for a triathlon or just for fun, one thing is for sure, the Brampton Benders like to bike. This past weekend saw a large group of Benders covering the various distances offered at Cambridge’s Tour de Grand. This event in the past few years has been met with some less than ideal weather conditions.  But this year’s event was all sunshine and strong winds. Benders are hearty characters running or otherwise, as seen from the photos it was nothing but smiles for miles.? Read more