Wine Run – 2017

The annual fall tradition of The Wine Run was this past weekend and in attempt to keep things fresh it was decided to hold this year’s event on the sun!!  Traditionally this run is the perfect way many Benders close out the summer. But this year summer weather was a little hard to come by and it turns out that Sept. 24th was one of the nicest days of summer (…yes I’m aware it’s actually fall!)

Benders assembled at the ever gracious DeMelo House for a fancy breakfast before making their way across the city trying to find shade wherever they could and stopping at other Bender houses that were generous enough to host the brave souls who decided wine, long runs and hot sun (near 40 with humidex) sounded like the perfect way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Thanks to every one who hosted a pit stop, provided supplies and participated…oh and of course organized! This event continues to embody the Benders spirit – running, friends, fun and booze!

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