Tomorrow is the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. ?Our own club was featured as a member of the STWM Tribes program and now race day is here. ?For some it is their first full marathon, for others it is another marathon/half in the books. ?Either way we would like to wish all our Benders participating in this event a great race. ?The weather looks to be promising!! Read more

Welcome to the Brampton Benders new website

Well hello and welcome to our new site! We have spruced things up a bit around here.? Scroll through our various menu options.? Read how the Benders running club was formed.? Browse through our gallery and click on the link for more pictures.? Check out our calendar and if you don’t see a race there you can click on one of the various links to popular race calendars.? The news section will be filled with club news in a blog style.? This can include race recaps (and as you can? Read more