This Week – Nov. 28th

We had another fantastic turnout for the practice run of the Egg Nog Jog course at Terra Cotta this past Sunday. We’ll be heading up there for one last trip before the race the following week. Be sure to come out and stick around for the tailgate afterwards. Lights are up in the city. Be sure to join in the group runs through the week to get out and see all the great lights in the city. Routes that run by City Hall and Gage park are on tap. This? Read more

This Week – Nov. 13

Great conditions at Terra Cotta doing the Egg Nog Jog course. A good turnout – 20 Benders. We enjoyed the 10.8K Egg Nog Jog route and the tail gate and treats afterwards. We’re going to do this run again soon, in preparation for the Race in December. In Vegas, hope to hear soon about Jackie, Yasmin and Belinda’s trip from the Instagram posts it looks like it was a blast.  Tom has found a 5 k race you may be interested in: Tom saw it at the gym he? Read more

Mid Week Update – Nov. 10

Lots of things going on this week and coming up that a mid-week update is needed. Boy, what a change in the weather. possible snow tomorrow….what’s going on. We will just have to dress warmly. Best wishes to Jackie, Belinda and Yasmin, who are heading to Las Vegas this weekend. Besides all the fun, they will be participating in the Rock and Roll Half and 5 k races. Make sure you guys go to Mickey Gilley’s restaurant and ride the bull. And send pictures. That’s a real fun place. Mark? Read more

This Week – Nov. 6th

Congratulations to the Hamilton and New York Runners! Hope you ran well in New York Shana, looking forward to your stories. And Hamilton…..brutal! Pouring and driving rain at the start, and what about that hard 20 km wind! It sure wore you down, but we finished. Now a brief lull between the big races. We have the Egg Nog Jog coming up Dec 10. Guess what, it’s SOLD OUT. We do have 18 Benders registered. Way to go! We can all still enjoy the event, either as Runners or Cheering? Read more