This Week – Dec 18th

Merry Christmas wishes to everyone! 2017 is winding down pretty quickly, this is the last week of regular running unless Christmas and holiday parties are filling up your schedule. Should be a nice way to slid into the holiday season and bank a few extra km’s before that the 3rd helping of turkey, fixings and bottomless eggnog takes its toll. Looks like we’re getting a break from those nasty temperatures we saw last week. Congrats to all those that braved that full on winter weather last week. Time to start? Read more

This Week – Dec. 11th

Great Bender Christmas get together last Friday. Good people, good food, good time had. Nice to see so many Benders! Feel free to send your pictures to Mike B and we’ll share them on the website. Thanks to Michelle B for organizing. Sunday saw many Benders up in Terra Cotta for the Egg Nog Jog, many Benders running and cheering (Thanks for the bell ringing Karyn and Grace – near the end when we were getting exhausted). That warm tent and soup at the end were much appreciated. Be sure? Read more

This Week – Dec. 4th

Welcome to the second week of December. The weather is still holding out favourably. Well done to all the runners this past weekend. Samantha in Cayman Islands Marathon,  Jackie, Belinda, Yasmin and Marcia who rocked the Reggae Marathon in Jamaica. We are waiting to hear your stories. Also congrats to all who participated in the Tannenbaum 10K This Friday, don’t forget our Bender Christmas party at J Red Co at 6:30pm. If you haven’t already, please let Michelle know if you are coming. It’s looking like a great turnout. For? Read more

This Week – Nov. 28th

We had another fantastic turnout for the practice run of the Egg Nog Jog course at Terra Cotta this past Sunday. We’ll be heading up there for one last trip before the race the following week. Be sure to come out and stick around for the tailgate afterwards. Lights are up in the city. Be sure to join in the group runs through the week to get out and see all the great lights in the city. Routes that run by City Hall and Gage park are on tap. This? Read more

This Week – Nov. 20

Hope everyone’s weekend went well. Sunday morning we had a great turnout at Terra Cotta, cold, but the weather co-operated. No rain!! Sunny (sunglass conditions), counted 16 Benders. We missed a few from last week….the Laura’s, Gina, Ben, David, Annette….Where were you all? A great tailgate afterwards, thank you for the Grand Marnier Firmo! And thank you all for all the treats. Come on out if you can next sunday. Dont forget our Bender Christmas party Friday night. Dec 8 at J Red and Co.. more details to come from? Read more

This Week – Nov. 6th

Congratulations to the Hamilton and New York Runners! Hope you ran well in New York Shana, looking forward to your stories. And Hamilton…..brutal! Pouring and driving rain at the start, and what about that hard 20 km wind! It sure wore you down, but we finished. Now a brief lull between the big races. We have the Egg Nog Jog coming up Dec 10. Guess what, it’s SOLD OUT. We do have 18 Benders registered. Way to go! We can all still enjoy the event, either as Runners or Cheering? Read more

This Week – Oct. 30

Congratulations Tony and your completion of the Dublin Marathon – And in your Bender race shirt too! Mike B, you’ve have been toiling all Summer and Fall in the 5 Peaks Trail Races. Congratulations for sticking with it under some crazy conditions! Amazing! Next weekend we have Hamilton coming up. At least 10 Benders so far registered in the Full or half. Hope the weather holds out. It would probably be a good idea to visit your local Value Village to pick up some throw away jackets and pants just in? Read more

This Week – Oct. 23rd

Congratulations to all the Benders who participated in the Scotia Waterfront races. Especially Ariellia – a new PB in the Half – 1:52, Kevin 1:48, Dave 1:38, Walter, a PB 2:01, Samantha, Lorraine you beat your goal. Alain, heard you had some issues near the end, hope all is well. Next week, Tony is headed for Dublin and the Marathon…Good luck to you! Two weeks till the Hamilton Marathon, half and 10! Chicago Marathon – registration is opening this week for next years race. A great event. This week: Tapering? Read more

This Week – Oct. 16th

Congratulations to Ines and her marathon run in the Rock N Roll Marathon Lisbon, Portugal.  Also congratulations to Jackie, Alain and everyone else who ran the Niagara Falls International Marathon. Apparently the weather was good but the heavy winds were a factor. Well done all! Congratulations to any other Bender racers we missed. Just a reminder, the Bender apparel store will be opening again for your orders. More on that from Karyn shortly.   Good luck to all those racing this weekend at Scotia… good luck Benders!     Hamilton’s Road? Read more

This Week – Oct. 9th

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend. For Mid October, the weather was fine. Now its time to lose those extra pounds from the weekends meals. Fun fact. 1 slice of Pumpkin Pie – 350 calories The average runner burns 100 calories per kilometer.   First of the big fall races were this weekend. Congratulations to our Chicago Marathoners – Grace, Firmo, and Rob…his first Congratulations also to Michelle on her half in Boston. And congratulations to any other racers this weekend that I missed. To everyone else, training? Read more